- D365 How To Define Different Barcodes For Different Dimensions Of Business
- D365 How To Define Different Barcodes For Different Dimensions Of People
Configure Account Structures. Now with wanting to track additional dimensions in addition to the base ones, like Project, Equipment ID, Contract, Employee, etc., you may want to consider adding it as an additional Advanced Rule Structure assigned to an existing Advanced Rule, as each Advanced Rule can be assigned multiple Advanced Rule Structures. Define Button grids: Retail Channel setup POS setup POS Button grids. Button grids are used to define the layout and functionality that will be used on the POS unit. These buttons define the types of transactions, tenders, and other actions you want the store personnel to perform. To create button grids, you will need to use the designer Fig 6.
Managing product master data can range from simple to complex. Standard Dynamics AX allows for creation and release of a ‘released product’, in its simplest form to creation of a ‘product master’, in its more complex form. A released product will automatically generate a product which can then be used to release to another company, as required. When a product is created directly as a released product or a product master, it is automatically released to the company where created – eliminating the need for company release(s). At the same time, a ‘product’ is created which enables the release to other companies. Product information contains only base information, i.e.
Item number / name / stopped flags, but no values that would be related to a specific company. Meaning, if the product is handled with a different unit of measure, different vendor, different item group / item model group, etc.
This data would be established once the product is selected and updated for release to the required company. This method allows for a product to be created but only released into company(s) where required for operations.A ‘product master’ is required (versus product) if the product requires the use of configuration technology. Meaning that with one released product record, transactions and inventory for the product will be tracked with a user defined identifier(s). Configuration technology allows for the product to be defined as a predefined variant, a dimension-based configuration, or a constraint-based configuration.
Once the decision is made as to whether configuration technology is required, the use of a product master versus product can be determined. The release process of a product master is the same as with a product. It requires the release process to other companies who require the product for use in transactions.Configuration TechnologyNote: Rule-based configuration depreciated in AX7. Predefined variant: Product dimensions and variant assigned during creation of the product master.
This is a user defined list of the distinguishing values that will be used for each released product. Dimension-based configuration: Variants are created using the configuration dimension at the time variants are entered on a transaction line. Constraint-based configuration: Requires use of a configuration tool, which is launched during the creation of a transaction, and allows for unique bill of material / route based on constraints used on products during creation of sales orders, sales quotations, purchase order, and production orders. Configurations require the setup of a configuration model that is associated to the released product. This model will determine all information that is required to be entered during the configuration process of a transaction line, and what lines and values are applied on the automatically created bill of materials and/or route based on this information.
Configurations can be based on the following:. Attributes: Describes features. Attribute types: Defines data type sets.
Constraints: Conditions to be met. Subcomponents: Components of product. User requirements: Preselected options. BoM lines: Bill of material generation. Route operations: Route generationDuring the creation of a product master, a product dimension group is mandatory. This value defines the dimensions required when the product master is selected on a transaction. Dimensions are setup in Product Information Management Setup Dimension and variant groups.
Within this setup, the following are considered during setup. Dimension groups:.
Product dimension groups (Product Masters):Used to define what product dimensions are active and also which product dimension values can be used when creating a product master. This dimension is mandatory for product masters which may require more than one dimension based on the requirements as only one can be applied per product. Product dimension values include configurations, styles, sizes, and colors. In addition, new dimensions can be added as well as the size and color dimensions can be renamed. Storage dimension groups (Product Masters / Released Products):Used to define the active storage dimensions to include site, warehouse, and location that dictate how products are controlled in inventory.
At least one storage dimension group is required and only one group can be applied per product – requiring multiple storage dimensions if products are to be handled differently. Storage dimensions available for settings are:. Site: Minimum required and defaults on by the system. Warehouse.
Location. If the warehouse management process option is On, inventory status and license plate dimensions will be activated. These can then be set to mandatory and/or primary stocking.
Inventory status: User defined status’s to control product in inventory and its availability for use. When an inventory status is created, it can be identified for ‘inventory blocking’. Blocking will prevent the item from transactions until the inventory status, on the inventory, is updated to a non-blocking status. Inventory quantities tagged with a status as blocked are not considered as inventory in master planning and will be replenished based on the products coverage group. License plates: License plates can be used when products are being stored within an identifiable pallet / container.
This can be used when receiving product from a vendor and an ASN is received, for receipt of all products with the license place associated, and also enables printing of the required license plate labels. The following are the key aspects / settings to consider when setting up a storage dimension group. Site: Minimum required, defaults to “On”. Mandatory: Defines if storage dimension, i.e. Warehouse, is required on product transactions. Note: In AX7, this only applies when WMS is in use.
Primary stocking: Defines the dimension, i.e. Warehouse, as the primary dimension for stocking and ‘locks’ items when reserved. Note: In AX7, this only applies when WMS is in use. Active: Multiple product dimensions are available when creating a storage dimension group. For the specific group, only those dimensions that apply should be checked as active.
As an example, if you are not using locations, this dimension would remain unchecked. Typically, at a minimum, warehouse is selected. Product dimensions that can be selected include:. Warehouse. Location.
Inventory status. License plate.
Blank receipt allowed: Used when at receipt of a product, the dimension is allowed to remain blank. Useful when a serial or lot number is not required upon the receipt of product into inventory but required when issued. Blank issue allowed: Similar to blank receipt allowed but the opposite, on the physical issue transaction. Physical inventory: Physical inventory transactions are tracked based on the dimension specified. For example, if you are using warehouse and location dimensions but only have physical checked on the warehouse, inventory transactions will NOT be referenced down to the location dimensions. Financial inventory: Transactions are included in cost calculations for the dimension specified.
If the costing method on an item is set to average cost, transaction costs will only be considered on the storage dimension specified. Coverage plan: Select if the storage dimension is to be included in a master planning coverage plan. This is typically specified, at a minimum, on the site and typically on the warehouse also. For purchase price: Select if the storage dimension is to be included when determining the purchase price for an item.
When trade agreements are setup, if the purchase price can be different based on the receiving warehouse, select this option for the warehouse dimension. For sales price: Select if the storage dimension is to be included when determining the sales price for an item. Just like with the purchase price, a trade agreement could reflect a different prices based on the sale of an item from different warehouses. Tracking dimension groups (Product Masters / Released Products):There are two options for tracking product. Both are applied to inventory transactions. Batch numbers can applied to multiple quantities of the same product while serial numbers are one unique identifier per inventory quantity.
The settings on the storage dimension, allow blank receipt / allow blank issue, can be used to determine when the tracking dimension is required against an inventory transaction. Again, at least one tracking dimension is required.
If not using either batch or serial control, create a group ‘None’ and leave the ‘active’ checkbox unchecked on both. Batch number. Serial number. Variant:Note: Variants in AX 2012 are created and applied directly on the product master.Variants are used to provide a unique identifier to a product without having to create a separate product master. Where the base product is the same and only a variation, i.e.
Size / color / style, is the differentiating factor, variants can be created and applied to transactions using the product. For example, the same exact model sunglasses are produced, procured, or sold with the only difference being the color. One product master can be created with variants associated. When the sunglasses product number is applied to transactions, the color (as the variant) must also be specified. This variant is then maintained through the inventory transaction.
A released product can have pricing and cost based on each variant or a single value for all created variants.Variant groups (not applicable in AX 2012) are provided to support retail businesses. Variants are applied to a variant group where a bar code and a display sequence can be applied. In this scenario, a variant group is applied to a retail hierarchy which is used to organize products that are sold through a retail channel. When a customer accesses a retail channel looking for a specific type of sunglasses, the variant group will provide the ‘view’ of the available variants (in this case colors) that can be selected.
The combination of the product master and variant selected from the group can then be reviewed against available inventory quantities. Sizes. Size groups – requires size variants for inclusion. Colors. Color groups – requires color variants for inclusion. Styles. Style groups – requires style variants for inclusionThis seems to be a lot of setup.
The final decision on what is required is based on the required business process(es). Keeping it simple is always a good approach but does not necessarily cover the requirements of all process owners.The ability to quickly and easily identify inventory at receipt or issue, or during a physical inventory is critical – storage dimensions.The ability to reduce the number of products created and maintained, including management of bill of materials and routes – configuration technology.The ability to provide a unique identifier to a product or quantity of a product – tracking dimensions.
D365 How To Define Different Barcodes For Different Dimensions Of Business
Dimensions do away with segments and just keep the natural account. In order to capture information such as department, location, and whatever else you might need, you instead select a dimension(s) with each transaction.By having the segment moved out of the account structure you generally end up with a much smaller account list since you don’t have so many combinations of the same natural account with all of the various segments.Dimensions can also be setup to be required or optional. This allows you more flexibility in how you code your entries and allows you to only enter the information you need. One advantage that GP has over a lot of other systems when it comes to dimensions is that you can also add meta data to the transaction. This meta data need not be financial.
D365 How To Define Different Barcodes For Different Dimensions Of People
For example, let’s say you have a code set up for events. In additional to capturing the name of the event, you could also capture attendance, weather, etc., and then use this meta data in your financial reporting to provide additional insight.The biggest con, and it is not really that big, is that you have to pop open a second screen to enter the dimension data in GP. It is easy to do but some people complain about it. I have done several deals however where we bypass the data entry screens all together and just import transactions, complete with dimension data, straight into the general ledger. Provides for a 20-character alphanumeric natural account and up to eight dimensions. You can setup the dimensions as you see fit, make them required or not, create dimension combinations and perhaps most importantly, enter them right on transaction entry screens without having to pop open a second window.
This makes transaction entry smooth and quick.Since dimensions are fundamental to the way that NAV works, they are very well handled when it comes to queries and reporting. The entire system is structured around allowing you to slice and dice your data by dimension pretty much everywhere. The way the dimensions are setup also allows you to use very descriptive text based values, instead of numeric codes, to make it easy to select the right value when entering transactions.
The decision to use segments or dimensions depends on your specific needs. If you have a simple chart of account structure with not too many accounts, a traditional segmented format might be fine. Where dimensions really start to shine is when the number of possible values increases.
Especially if you have a lot of one time values (like with the event example above) that would really start to bog down a segmented chart of account structure over time.If you would like to learn more or have any questions please feel free to.